Welcome, current students, to our major exploration resources
On this page, you will learn more about being Undeclared, major exploration resources for all UAZ students, beginning the major exploration process on your own, and there is more information for students going through transitions with their current major.
Undeclared Students
We are thrilled you have chosen to be Undeclared in The A Center. As an Undeclared student, The A Center has numerous pathways to help you explore, discover, and decide on your major. Whether you are completely undecided on your major or are fairly certain, we are here to help. Below are the recommend pathways for students to follow in their first year. If you are a pre-health or pre-law student, your pathway may look a little different, so be sure to connect with your advisor to learn more about those programs.

Major Exploration Resources for Everyone
Whether you are a student in The A Center or in another college, we are happy to offer a variety of major exploration resources to help you explore your major/minor options further.
Not a current Undeclared student in The A Center? That is fine! We offer major exploration appointments for ALL undergraduate students at the University of Arizona. In these appointments, we will ask you questions about your interests, skills, and values to help you begin the process. Together, we will examine what motivates you, what your goals are educationally and personally, and help guide you toward making an informed decision about a major here at UAZ. Keep in mind, everyone begins this process at a different place, so each appointment will be tailored to your individual situation.
Not sure about your major? Undecided and not sure where to start? Stop by the annual Meet Your Major Fair! Connect with representatives and advisors from majors across campus, all conveniently located in the same room. Explore areas of interest, discover a major you never knew existed, and start the process of choosing the right major for you. With over 120 majors on campus, there’s something for everyone- stop by and start learning about what possibilities are waiting for you.
The Meet Your Major Fair is held every September. Visit our Signature Events page for more detailed information.
This course is for Undeclared students who are motivated to work through the process of deciding on a major. Students are guided through the process of self and major exploration. Interests, values, and personality inventories, as well as major exploration exercises and journal-writing, are utilized to assist students in clarifying their strengths, values, decision-making style and educational goals. The goal is for students to have the tools and knowledge necessary to make an informed decision about their major by the end of the course.

This course is offered every academic term - fall, spring, summer, and winter session. Not sure if this is the course for you? Check out our sample syllabus and assignment below (coming soon!)
Decided on a major? Come celebrate with us! Major Declaration Day is The A Center’s celebration of all our students that have declared their major each semester. Along with being recognized in a ceremony, we will have college representatives and major celebration activities at the event.
Haven’t yet decided on your major? You are welcome to join and celebrate with your peers!
Beginning the Process on Your Own
Ready to start major exploration on your own? Use this section as a self-guide to getting started on the major exploration process.
Students in Major Transition
Many students might end up changing their major for a variety of reasons, and sometimes it might not be by choice. If you have been switched to The A Center in a required program change, we are here to help! During your time with The A Center, you will have a dedicated advisor who will assist you in evaluating your options and developing a plan moving forward. Here is the recommended pathway we have to help you get back on track with your University of Arizona degree.