What Wows?

What Wows?

Narrowing Down Your Options

Now that you've begun your major exploration journey and are getting to know yourself, it's time to ask: What truly fascinates you? Our library resources are here to help you connect with potential majors and discover what truly sparks your interest. Each resource comes with a quick description, making it effortless to pick the ones that match your major exploration goals. Dive in and explore as many as you want!


MyMajorsRevisit your results or even retake the assessment
What Can I Do With This Major?Explore how majors can relate to career fields
Occupational Outlook HandbookInvestigate careers/jobs and how to become one
Advising Resource CenterFind advisors for any major, minor, or certificate on campus and begin asking questions
Questions to Ask a Major AdvisorBrainstorm questions you would like to ask a major advisor
Date a MajorTake a unique approach to evaluating what you are looking for in a major
Holland Code and MajorsUse your results from the Interest Party Form and connect them to majors
Shoulds, Can'ts, and FearsEvaluate what might be holding you back with exploring majors
WOW TestTest your potential majors and see what wows


Got any questions about these resources? Don't hesitate to schedule an appointment with one of our expert major exploration advisors. They're here to chat with you and provide guidance every step of the way!