Welcome to The A Center

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Find your place with The A Center

Students seeking to explore majors, pre-health professions, and pre-law opportunities will find the support and resources they need in The A Center.

Begin your journey of self-discovery

Undecided about your major? We offer multiple resources in The A Center to assist you with the major exploration process, including major exploration appointments and a major exploration course.

Old Main

MyMajors Assessment

Do you have 15 minutes? Start exploring your major options today!

Major Declaration Day Celebration Picture

2025 Major Declaration Day

Declare your major this year? Come celebrate with us at our 2025 Major Declaration Day on May 8th from 2-4PM!


Academic Advising for Undeclared, Transitional, Pre-Health Professions, and Pre-Law students.





We ADVISE students as they explore the institution, AFFIRM their educational goals, and ATTAIN a University of Arizona degree. 



  • Provide Major Exploration, Pre-Health Professions Advising, and Pre-Law Advising
  • Support students through academic major transition
  • Assist students in designing parallel pathways to degree completion
  • Offer student engagement and leadership opportunities

Events in The A Center

There are no upcoming events listed.