Pre-Physical Therapy

Preparing for a Career in Physical Therapy

Learn more about a career as a Physical Therapist

Learn about The University of Arizona’s new Doctor of Physical Therapy.


Requirements vary widely by school so it is important to look at the requirements of programs you are considering to be sure you include those courses in your academic career at The University of Arizona.

Physical Therapy School Prerequisites

Biology8 Semester Hours Biology

MCB 181R & 181L

ECOL 182 R & 182L

Chemistry (usually will accept gen chem and/or organic)8 Semester Hours Chemistry

CHEM 151 or 141/143

CHEM 152 or 142/144

Anatomy/Physiology8 Semester HoursPSIO 201 and 202
Psychology3-9 semester hours of Psychology usually including introductory, developmental, abnormal)

PSY 150A1 or PSY 101 (introductory)

PSY 200/240 (development), PSY 381 (abnormal)

English6 Semester Hours

English 101& 102 or

English 109H & additional English class, usually composition

Mathematics6 Semester Hours

Math 112 (College Algebra) and

Math 163 or 263 (statistics/biostats)

Physics8 Semester Hours with lab

PHYS 102 and 181

PHYS 103 and 182

Application Pathway

The standardized test required for most PT programs is the GRE General Test.  For more information about that exam see the GRE section of the Educational Testing Service web site.

The Centralized Application Service for Physical Therapy Schools is PTCAS.  PTCAS has a wealth of information regarding the application process, PT programs and their requirements for admission


PT programs and their prerequisite course requirements

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