Law School Application Timeline for Juniors and Seniors

This timeline is a typical schedule designed to assist you in applying for fall admission to law schools. It will need to be adjusted accordingly for summer or spring admissions. The application process should be started at least twelve months prior to beginning law school. It is best to prepare your own timeline based on the application deadline for the law schools to which you apply. 

Month to be CompletedTaskDate Completed
March – JunePrepare for LSAT 
April/MayApply for June LSAT 
JuneTake LSAT 
JulyReceive LSAT score 
July – SeptemberResearch law schools 
August/SeptemberSubscribe to CAS 
 Have official transcript(s) sent to CAS 
 Request information from law schools 
 Attend personal statement workshop 
 Draft personal statement 
SeptemberReceive CAS report and check for accuracy 
 Request letters of recommendation 
 Write personal statement 
OctoberAttend UA’s Law Expo;
Meet with law school admission representatives
October – NovemberComplete and submit applications 
November/DecemberCheck CAS report status on line 
JanuaryFile financial aid applications including FAFSA 
MarchVisit law schools during spring break 
April – JunePay deposit by due date 
June – JulyCelebrate acceptance(s)!